Low costs, ease of use, speed ... More and more French people "speculate" online. What are the rules to know before investing? Tips from the pros to novice investors.

What are the advantages of e-trading?
Going through an online broker is best for small budgets, to go public. The minimum contribution required is quite low (between 0 and 10,000 euros on average) and brokerage fees are two to five times less expensive than traditional banks. You can simply go to "small orders" and make frequent return on the market.

In addition, the online brokers allow you to make your computer a real trading room. News, charts, analysis ... You follow the market trends in real time, and you can do 24/24, 7 / 7 on foreign markets, since their opening. A true tool optimized to speculate on the stock exchange.

How to choose a broker?
First consideration, brokerage fees: In some brokers, they are directly proportional to the amount of the order placed (on average between 0.10% and 0.70%), in others they are fixed (between 1 euro and 12 euros depending on circumstances). Take assess the amount of orders that you plan to spend and to determine, calculator in hand, the stock is most advantageous to you.

You must also assess the quality and cost of the services offered by the provider Extra: possibility of short sales, to play the leverage (that is to say orders to exceed the cash portfolio ), to keep your titles, access to relevant and timely information on market trends, etc.. In general, an evaluation version of the site allows you to get an idea of the different features offered. Test all tools in good stock speculation before choosing the one you keep.

How to place an order?
Once your account with the broker you choose, you can go to market speculation. You indicate on an online form that you sign electronically, the value name that you want to acquire the desired number of shares, the price limit that you will not be exceeded, and an expiration date.

Once the transaction is completed, the broker sends you, in two days, an enforcement notice, to treasure up the resale of your shares.

It is important to follow these tips if you want to speculate quoted on the stock market effectively.


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