
The financial crisis has affected many more than the listed companies, and is now focusing on purchasing power, and this is reflected in shopping malls. Indeed, also currently experiencing the effects of inflation.

The study by the National Council of Shopping Centers (CNCN) foreshadows a drop of 2.2% consistent attendance malls just for the month of April. A worrisome number when analyzing the calculations last year that they already showed a decline of 4.7% in the same month of the year. Indeed, the 87 shopping centers that are utilized in this study were based on the same number of working days than 2009.

The Euro, which is today under $ 1.27, has bothered scholars and businesses. Having been a breath of hope Monday that the Paris stock exchange has seen the euro gaining 9.66%, although it is a bitter setback that occurs again after a further drop of more than 2%. When some companies are forced to put the key under the door, others find themselves forced to increase prices on certain food products, while prices on cosmetic products are skyrocketing. The first implication touches on many consumers, who are now forced to turn to small businesses that can still afford to sell at a price slightly lower than some malls, but they are becoming increasingly rare.

CNCN deduced that there is a real awareness on the part of consumers on the entire spectrum of crisis. It affects not only the economic but also social aspect. Way of life for some, attendance at malls fell 3.5% on even just one year. Jean-Michel Silbersein, Delegate General CNCN said in a press release the factors that motivate consumers to be much more cautious. He mentioned the pension reform that did not stop to debate at this moment, but also the flow of purchasing power of consumers. He also stressed the announced increases in taxes, grow more and more the buyer to think twice before spending on cosmetic products.


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