Have you recently received an e-mail in English or French, you promised to make a fortune with Google?
Some $ 200 per day to more than $ 10,000 a month? It is true that it does not want?
Well, before you launch headlong into this type of "business", it is good to take stock. Because I assumed that the information you read remains unclear.

There are two types of products offered:
1. The eBook that explains the "method"
To win X dollars per month, with screenshots to support, perhaps even a video testimonial etc. ... This book will explain in detail how to create a website or blog, write content, good position on some search engines for certain keywords, how to buy traffic and make a profit with a good conversion rate etc ... well, this eBook condenses a single document all the advice you could learn for free on the internet. You will not get rich through this book. By cons you will learn many methods - in addition to hard work and patience - you will generate income with Adsense and / or other advertising companies or affiliate programs.

2. Generator sites or sites ready,
which you are promised the 200,000 pages that will generate thousands of dollars in the first months. This is purely a scam. You should know that Google and major search engines keep a copy of everything they find on the internet. And if you're running a page that is already on the internet (even changing a few words and changing the graphics) engines realize this, and index your page in "Duplicate Content" (Duplicate Content). If the proportion of Duplicate Content on your site passes a certain threshold, you are "blacklisted" (blacklisted) and your site no longer appear in search engine results. In short: Plagiarism = Penalty.
Of these two types of products, only the first may be worth the "cost". But only for information. Do not expect to get rich just to have bought this book.
Because to generate interest income with Google Adsense, say $ 10,000 per month, with a CPM of U.S. $ 5.00 (profit of $ 5 for 10,000 ads displayed), you'll need to post 20 million pages per month. As visitors who click on ads are usually not more than 1 or 2 pages on your site, that means you should attract between 10 and 20 million visitors per month.
To win $ 1,000?
Between 1 and 2 million visitors per month.
Yes, it's a big job. But it is not impossible.
There is also a third option:

3. Become an Author Abomag!
Starting from scratch, without investing anything, you can build a group of authors who soon exceed the million page views per month, allowing you to generate revenue more zeros! See how it works.


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